Extraterrestrial DP1 Page 7
In the dim cavity they all backed away and unlike anything they had seen before a hideous slithering blood red devilish shape emerged from the blinding light of the extraterrestrial chamber, and they shifted back faster allowing it to move out further.
As it crept out Ripley examined it wondering if it was it, and what they had come to make contact with, and wondered why it was so different and tremendous and if it was an earlier form of it, which might be used for their purposes – with its blood red demon features, with a giant glowing, altering, hideous shape – and he felt energy surges from it and stood trying to grasp what it was doing – and he realized it was made of some form of energy, and he considered if it was actually keeping itself alive, and even in existence, almost consistently stopping itself vanishing – and he wondered if it did if it would just vanish into nothing, and stood away further when it altered like a distorted grotesque wild animal formation, and he wondered how they were going to communicate with it, and if it even used language.
Suddenly he saw the others react and saw visions around them of star formations flashing about, and he suddenly realized it was making communications with them and showing regions of space, and he wondered how the scientists could record them and if they would show up in the film footage being taken by them from their spacesuits, and he wondered if any of the scientists could identify them if it was not recorded.
It seemed as if it was continuing with a pursuit of an unknown goal and he tried to grasp what, and wondered if it was giving them the location of its real world, as he still could not believe the DP1 world was where it was from.
It seemed to show an exploration through the vast depths of the universe, and he spotted a massive sphere of light glowing around it and he wondered it propelled itself across the blackness of space, and if it could even travel without a starship, like a ghost going through the stars.
They watched in amazement as suns shot by with increasing density and accuracy and he saw its powers had increased – while transforming itself and existence further from its original pure energy states, to normal space and time states that it encountered.
Space and time suddenly seemed unfamiliar and mysterious, and he felt he never had a full understanding of it, and it searched for a solution to something and all the visions vanished and it altered further and he wondered if they could provide it with energy or something to complete its transformation, and if they should as they still never knew how dangerous it was.
He realized how dead the world really was, and a world without a sun, and he wondered how it even got any energy there, and they ignored it and started their investigations of the chamber it had been in.
Chapter 22
Deadly Encounter
Had the DP1 extraterrestrial that had been at the DP1 Antarctica been there, and where the hell was it now?
Ripley could barely think straight! The two extraterrestrials could be anywhere and have done something while they had all been asleep, and he quickly tried to examine the main shuttle computer, and information from his spacesuit, and if it had been affected by anything and if it had been altered in any way, and he checked through the last recordings it had for anything and he only realized it had been deactivated by DP1 extraterrestrial when it took the other extraterrestrial from the cavity.
“What’s happened?” Dan moaned, seeing his worried face.
“Something stopped and erased the computer recordings and put us to sleep!”
“The DP1 extraterrestrial? What do you think it has done?”
“It took the other extraterrestrial we found!”
“Perhaps it used some form of energy to put us to sleep?” Dan replied, and started searching for its existence on his spacesuit computer, and anything that might be detected.
He eventually gave up and stood looking at the empty chamber, and he watched and listened to the scientists activating their equipment and test it for damage, and talking and trying to discover what had happened to them.
“It never killed or damaged us?” Dan announced silently, and started checking records, and communications of other shuttles. “It looks as though all the shuttles have nothing on it! The starship has nothing!”
Ripley suddenly spotted Colman at the side of his eyes and him desperately contacting someone and using messages to communicate, avoiding talking and being overheard, and he was sure it was of a confidential nature, and he wondered why he was so worried, and realized there was a danger of something.
“I’ve contacted the S1 Starship shuttle about it,” Dan announced completing what he was doing. “They do not know what happened! They never noticed anything and their screens with stuff from our computers and cameras only went out when it occurred, and they believe the DP1 extraterrestrial did it.”
Ripley wondered what the hell it was, and was up to, and how deadly they both were. And if they both were connected! Whatever they were!
Sudden confidential messages started appearing from the Starship S1 warning them that they were enforcing a state of emergency and that they had to return to their vehicles and any person attempting to do anything dangerous or damage their defense system would be immediately annihilated, and they swiftly and silently shifted out the cavity, as they realized how dangerous the situation could become.
Chapter 23
DP1 Confrontation
A group of Russian scientists rushed into the shuttle and stood looking more staggered than he had ever seen them, and dazzled by the shuttle’s interior bright lights, and rushed to close the last shuttle door, staring out at the cold dark deadly world, breathing more and more heavily in their spacesuits, and Ripley watched one shaking as the last door shut.
The shuttle scientists were silenced, at the deadliest of the situation, and occasionally gave strange replies, and the leader of the Russian scientists started trying to explain the horrors they had encountered in English of the deadly extraterrestrial world, and what chased them frantically there, almost killing him, and finally completely removed his helmet revealing his deep pale cold complexion and shaken reactions, while describing to them what they had encountered, almost beyond comprehension, of a deadly diabolical nature.
The DP1 extraterrestrial had been nearby, and they were sure it was somehow monitoring them and their communications, and had a more solid form than it had at the DP1 Antarctica, and they believed it was able to alter its form, and had the other extraterrestrial with it.
Ever since they had located the DP1 world they had troubles, and the exploration and landings had been hard because of the world’s environment, with the celestial cartographers and planetary cartographers teams having to carry out far more work, but it was worth it to achieve the results they wanted, and the artifact discovered on the other DP1 world had allowed them to achieve their goal and they were starting to use the highly advanced technology they discovered from it, and had given scans, maps, and findings of it and the worlds, and of anything unusual, back to NASA, with a new form of message transmission that could arrive far faster than the starship itself, and there were suggestions of a new starship engine being built.
“What is happening?” one of the shuttle scientists gasped, searching his face.
“It’s hideous! It’s trapped down here!”
“So you saw the DP1 extraterrestrial?”
“We detected it and confronted it! We believe it’s a highly advanced form of life and highly deadly!”
They stood staggered by his reactions, and waited.
“So what did it do when it was discovered?”
“It attacked us!”
“It tried to kill you?”
“It got in the shuttle when we returned and entered the shuttle! It started destroying the shuttle … We escaped with it after us!”
Everything in the shuttle turned silent as they reacted to their reactions and they waited for its appearance and attack, and something of their worst nightmares.
Chapter 24
Underground Chamber
> The DP1 extraterrestrial was monitored from a distance, and they began their proper examinations of the chamber the second extraterrestrial had been in, while archaeologists examined the tunnel, cavity, and surrounding region.
Ripley’s attention was gradually drawn away from the two extraterrestrials when they remained where they were and the excitement of the scientists and archaeologists at the chamber and he eventually stopped listening to their excited communications and went through the tunnel to the chamber, wondering what the hell was there.
It left him confused and when he arrived they were all around the chamber looking confused, and none of them said anything, and he sensed something had recently happened, and he examined everything trying to spot something, and examined the others in their spacesuits and saw little and recalled the last communications he had heard from them.
To his surprise he realized they were waiting on something to happen and jumped back with the others when something activated and he felt a firm vibration and movements of something going through the rock about the chamber and saw the chamber activating and carrying out some ancient function and he waited, and to his surprise they all turned around and looked at him, and one asked him if he wanted to enter the chamber first and he moved in trying to see what was there, and entered searching it for controls and saw some hidden away, and that they had recently activated them.
Suddenly the whole chamber and outside cavity vanished and deep impenetrable darkness emerged, and dust and small rocks fell over him, and he stood staggered trying to see what was in the blackness, and his eyes slightly adjusted and he began to see a shape of some form of life form, and he slowly moved his hand towards his spacesuit light, but before he did something lifted him and it shifted him away, with nothing visibly holding him, and he felt some force moving him away into blackness, and he realized slowly that it could kill him easily.
He tried to theorize what it was but there was nothing he could grasp! All he saw was strange dark shapes!
When he felt the ground below him and that he had stopped shifting he turned his light on and he focused his dazzled eyes on the dirt covering the ground, vaguely only seeing a colossal dark cavity about him in the distance.
When he moved he hit a boulder near him and fell over sideways, over the ground.
Once back on his feet he examined what he could in the dim light and he saw a large artificial black object resting in the central region of the cavity, which went out and vanished into the distance, into blackness, and he examined what he could properly see, and tried to see the cavity roof about a hundred feet overhead, and it going higher further in, and he gasped and wondered what hell he was looking at, and why they had not detected anything below the world when they scanned it, and realized they had a way of camouflaging it, and showing rock there.
He wondered how they had managed to get the equipment down to build such a colossal underground structure.
The roof was solid rock and he spotted things about that he was sure were keeping it up, and he suddenly realized he might find answers to all their queries, and he started exploring it, and gradually approached the black object, and saw how undamaged it was, and closer in he realized how new looking it actually was, and he traced its sides into the darkness in the distance with his spacesuit glove held out, startled, and realized that he had been contemplating how ancient it was.
As he wondered what to do he gasped and saw something in the darkness behind him appear, and turned with his light going there, and saw the others slowly emerging there, and they turned on their lights, and he watched scientists frantically having discussions and was surprised to learn that they had successfully started scanning below the ground from above, where they had only found rock below before, and were discovering massive structures below the ground everywhere, and were discussing a future program of rescanning the whole DP1 world to properly map everything below the ground.
The cavity in the bright light was colossal and went straight into the distance, but what really staggered him was the black object at the center, as it was immense and bigger than any artificial object he had seen! It was torpedo shaped and he estimated it went out for at least a mile, and he stood with his mouth open for a few seconds, glaring out his spacesuit.
He was staggered and could not understand any of it! They surely could not have put it there? The construction of it there would have taken vast resources!
The extraterrestrials were far more advanced, but he could not grasp why it was on such a desolate world.
He looked for signs of activity everywhere, and how the cavity itself had been created, as the whole lot was perfect with no signs of anything having built it, and tried to imagine the extraterrestrials above creating it.
The scientists examination of the cavity rock became excited and they could not come to an agreement on how it had been made and they used tools to remove chunks of rock, and he noticed some of them had found there was small amounts of air through its atmosphere, and he considered if they could breath it and he wondered where it came from, and noted that they found a far higher temperature.
Whatever it was it had to have perhaps been secretive and he began to wonder if it was some form of weapon.
What the hell was it? It staggered him when he moved along it and thought of the nature of world and extraterrestrials! The place could have been built for atomic warfare!
Could it be an ultimate atomic weapon and doomsday device?
He realized how dangerous the extraterrestrials could be and wondered if they were at war with another extraterrestrial species.
It was far too dangerous and he knew they would have to investigate it far further and clarify many issues.
The power behind it had to be colossal and he gasped when he considered it was to destroy another world!
Some of the scientists found chambers similar to the above chamber in the cavity wall that they were sure were for transportation. He was staggered at his original thoughts of what was on the world, and that extraterrestrials could be further out, and examining them!
Though many things just did not add up! What the hell was it all doing there?
Eventually one of the scientists found an opening into the black object and they all rushed over to it, and stood at it looking into the darkness of its interior, wondering what was there, and Ripley gasped when one scientist announced that the entrance had not been there before, when he checked there, and Ripley shuddered and knew they would have to investigate its interior.
Chapter 25
Black Object
It confused him even more as he did not have a clue what he was dealing with and he had to investigate it, and he would not forgive himself if he never, and for letting a chance of explaining it go.
He was keen to investigate everything of the slightest interest!
While shifting in the entrance hole he sensed the dangers were tremendous!
Light dimly beamed through the hole only lighting a small empty region and he looked about and moved into the darkness further, where dim black shapes became visible, and he activated his spacesuit light and examined weird shapes that he still could not grasp, and grasp the function of, while he listened to scientists outside in his communicator, having excited conversations.
He could not recognize if it was a long room or hallway, or what, and he strolled in slowly, and blindly into it, wearily resting, and got ready to act if confronted and stayed observing the black shapes he came to, while his eyes adapted to the dimness and strange light effects, and he looked about and was surprised it had a look of some form of space vehicle, but far more advanced, even though there were no visible controls, and he even felt the black shape objects, still unable to grasp what they were, and strange curves and lines on the wall, and tried grasp if they were controls.
He was unsure what was stopping him grasping what was there, even though they had not been given anything about anything, and everything they had found out was proving to be different from t
heir assumptions, and he examined the whole object rather than small things.
Materials were new to them and though flexible and soft felt almost indestructible, and he was sure the whole colossal black torpedo shaped object was made to be capable of withstanding tremendous forces.
He jadedly continued feeling strangely shaped black things about his front in the blackness, and smelled a heavy musty synthetic scent in the air, and stale air, while his eyes adjusted, and he blankly stared at places covered in lines and curves.
He considered what would happen if they never achieved their goal and if they would be searching the world for clues for centuries, or the information and objects recovered, and wondered if they would ever receive any answers to what was there, as there could be no information about anything. Surely the object was something, and something that they could roughly guess the use of! The size and value of such an object was tremendous, and he wondered if they could get the thing out of there someday.
It startled him that he could not even grasp the purpose of anything! A curved part of a wall had shapes on it and he tried touching them and seeing if they did anything, but there was no response to anything!
He moved further into another area and observed a dark shape and had a feeling of something being there, like he was being watched by something and he tried to grasp where but could not see anything, and realized there was a slight humming tone and wondered if he had activated something and prepared himself for the outcome, realizing he could have made a serious mistake randomly activating things.
Something lifted him and he gasped, and went stiff, and he wished he never had the blasted spacesuit on as it was stopping him fully grasping the surroundings, and something shifted him away, with nothing visibly holding him, and he felt some force holding him and moving him away into the interior of the black object, and he realized that he could be killed.